Computer Vision

Human detection and Pose Estimation with Deep Learning for Sport Analysis

Pose estimation and tracking human is one the key step in sports analysis. Here is in this work I used openpose for analysis of player in a Bundesliga game HSV Hamburg vs Bayer München. Warning: the video might be disturbing for HSV fans 🙂   Original Video Analyzed Video Original Video Analyzed Video Original Video Analyzed Video Original Video

Human detection and Pose Estimation with Deep Learning for Sport Analysis Read More »

RGBD PCL point cloud from Stereo vision with ROS and OpenCV

In my other tutorial, I showed you how to calibrate you stereo camera. After Calibration, we can get disparity map and  RGBD PCL point cloud from our stereo camera cool huh 🙂 1)Save the following text under “stereo_usb_cam_stream_publisher.launch”

2) Then run the following node to publish both cameras and camera info (calibration matrix)

3) Run the

RGBD PCL point cloud from Stereo vision with ROS and OpenCV Read More »

Stereo Camera Calibration with ROS and OpenCV

In this tutorial, I’m gonna show you stereo camera calibration with ROS and OpenCV. So you need a pair of cameras, I bought a pair of this USB webcam which is okay for this task. 1)Save the following text under “stereo_usb_cam_stream_publisher.launch”

2)Then run the following node to publish both cameras.

3)Now call the calibration node:

Stereo Camera Calibration with ROS and OpenCV Read More »

Open source Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo tools with C++

Structure-from-Motion (SFM) is genuinely an interesting topic in computer vision, Basically making 3D structure from something 2D is absolutely mesmerizing 🙂 There two open source yet very robust tools for SFM, which sometimes compiling them might be complicated, here I will share my experience with you. 1)VisualSFM Prerequisite: 1)Glew Download the glew from SF at Do NOT get it from Github as

Open source Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo tools with C++ Read More »

Finding Homography Matrix using Singular-value Decomposition and RANSAC in OpenCV and Matlab

Solving a Homography problem leads to solving a set of homogeneous linear equations such below: \begin{equation} \left( \begin{array}{ccccccccc} -x1 & -y1 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & x1*xp1 & y1*xp1 & xp1\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -x1 & -y1 & -1 & x1*yp1 & y1*yp1 &  yp1\\ -x2 & -y2 &

Finding Homography Matrix using Singular-value Decomposition and RANSAC in OpenCV and Matlab Read More »