RGBD PCL point cloud from Stereo vision with ROS and OpenCV

In my other tutorial, I showed you how to calibrate you stereo camera. After Calibration, we can get disparity map and  RGBD PCL point cloud from our stereo camera cool huh 🙂

1)Save the following text under “stereo_usb_cam_stream_publisher.launch

2) Then run the following node to publish both cameras and camera info (calibration matrix)

3) Run the following to rectify image and compute the disparity map:

Super important: If you have USB cam with some delays you should add the following “_approximate_sync:=true”

4) Let’s view everything:

Super important: If you have USB cam with some delays you should add the following “_approximate_sync:=True _queue_size:=10”

5) Running rqt graph should give you the following:

6) Run the to configure the matching algorithm parameter:

7) PCL pointcloud in RVIZ

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