
Roll, pitch, yaw using Eigen and KDL Frame


From Eigen documentation: If you are working with OpenGL 4×4 matrices then Affine3f and Affine3d are what you want. Since Eigen defaults to column-major storage, you can directly use the Transform::data()  method to pass your transformation matrix to OpenGL. construct a Transform:

or like this:

But note that unfortunately, because of […]

Roll, pitch, yaw using Eigen and KDL Frame Read More »

Gaussian Mixture Regression

Gaussian Mixture Regression is basically Multivariate normal distribution with Conditional distribution. The more about the theory could be found at  [1], [2], [3], [4]. For this work, I have added the functionality of adding Gaussian Mixture Regression to this project on the GitHub by forking the main project, my forked project can be download at here Github The main changes

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Expectation Maximization algorithm to obtain Gaussian mixture models for ROS

I found a really good code at GitHub for fitting a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with Expectation Maximization (EM) for ROS. There are so many parameters that you can change. Some of the most important ones are:

To find the optimal number of components, it uses Bayesian information criterion (BIC). There are other methods to find

Expectation Maximization algorithm to obtain Gaussian mixture models for ROS Read More »

Generating multivariate normal distribution samples using C++11 and Eigen library.

Eigen is a great tool for matrix operations, here I found a small piece of code in Github that enables you to generate multivariate normal distribution samples using C++11 and Eigen library. The below is an example:


Generating multivariate normal distribution samples using C++11 and Eigen library. Read More »

Multi scale face detector using HOG features and support vector machine

In this part, I trained an SVM over images of  “face” or “not face” (36 × 36 pixels), using HOG features. I used VLFeat library for both HOG and the SVM. Example of face images: Example of nonface images: I divided the dataset into a training and a test set (80% and 20% respectively) and computed the HOG

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2D pose estimation of human body using CNS and PCA

This work is the second part of my master thesis (part I). In this part, I developed an algorithm for 2D pose estimation of the human body. To do this, I created a software with QT that could generate 2D contours representing human body. Then I send these contours for evaluation to CNS(Contrast Normalized Sobel) [1]

2D pose estimation of human body using CNS and PCA Read More »

Human detection on mobile camera using HOG and tracking them using Kalman filter

This is the part I of the work that I did for my master thesis (part II). In this work first, I computed HOG (Histogram of oriented gradients) on my images and then sent the computed histogram to a linear SVM (support vector machine). The SVM was trained with human and non-human images. The output of the classifier was

Human detection on mobile camera using HOG and tracking them using Kalman filter Read More »

Ackermann steering car robot model with simulation in Gazebo

Most of the wheeled robots in ROS use move_base to move the robot. move_base geometry model is based on differential drive which basically transforms a velocity command (twist message) into a command for rotating the left and the right wheels at a different speed which enable the car to turn into the right or left or goes straight. But cars

Ackermann steering car robot model with simulation in Gazebo Read More »

Autonomous navigation of two wheels differential drive robot in Gazebo

Two wheels differential drive robot (with two caster wheels). List of installed sensors: • Velodyne VLP-16. • Velodyne HDL-32E. • Hokuyo Laser scanner. • IMU. • Microsoft Kinect/Asus Xtion Pro. • RGB Camera. You can manually control the robot with Joystick controller for mapping robot environment. Autonomous navigation is possible by setting goal pose.  

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