
Real-time object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation based on Linemod algorithm with ROS and PCL pointcloud

In this tutorial, I’m gonna show you how to do object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation in real-time based on Linemod algorithm with ROS and PCL pointcloud. First, you need to install ork:

Then add the model of your object for tracking to Couch DB:

You need to install Kinect driver, if you don’t

Real-time object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation based on Linemod algorithm with ROS and PCL pointcloud Read More »

SLAM using gmapping with TurtleBot robot and Gazbo

In this tutorial, we do some SLAM with TurtleBot robot. 1.Before anything, you have to install all packages for gazebo and gmapping and TurtleBot:

2.Launch gazebo and TurtleBot

3. Call the gmapper to read laser scan and build the map:

Only for indigo: if you got and error, you need to do some hacky stuff

SLAM using gmapping with TurtleBot robot and Gazbo Read More »

Making occupancy grid map in ROS from gazebo with Octomap

Here is an example of obtaining occupancy grid from sensory data of turtlebot robot. 1.First you need to install all dependencies for gazebo and turtlebot and  octomap server:

2. Launch gazebo in a simulated environment:

3.Launch RVIZ to view the published data

3.Move your robot via keyboard:

to learn how to move the robot with

Making occupancy grid map in ROS from gazebo with Octomap Read More »

Sample based-optimisation-based planner with signed distance fields cost map

Rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT) and their variant are a very power solution for solving motion planning problem in robotics, but they suffer from finding an optimise solution and the generated path is usually jerky with redundant movements. Sample based-optimisation-based planners benefit the robustness of RRT and the possibility of imposing a cost function. Here in this work, I

Sample based-optimisation-based planner with signed distance fields cost map Read More »

Solving of optimisation problem with evolutionary algorithm (LM-CMA-ES)

Limited-Memory CMA-ES (LM-CMA-ES)  is a variation of CMA-ES which has been tailored for large-scale optimisation with limited memory. As a warm up here, I have used this algorithm to solve the min point of the following function: $$ z= -( 4 \times  e^{- ( (x-4)^2 +(y-4)^2 ) }+ 2 \times e^{- ( (x-2)^2 +(y-2)^2 ) } )$$ The function

Solving of optimisation problem with evolutionary algorithm (LM-CMA-ES) Read More »