Send CMake param to catkin

It quite often happens that you need to send a CMake parameter to your catkin project, for instance, you need to build your code for debugging mode. The correct syntax is:

another example:


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Calibrating a Monocular Camera with ROS

ROS use OpenCV for camera calibration but the format that it stores the data is different than OpenCV. Also, you need to know where to place the camera calibration files so ROS can find it and publish it. 1.First, you need to install usb cam package from ROS and uvcdynctrl to disable autofocus:

2.Open a terminal and run roscore:

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Installing Kinect on Ubuntu 14.04 and make it run in ROS Indigo

Kinect support on Linux has a complicated history, there used to be various packages on Fuerte, Groovy and Hydro which they don’t work on ubuntu 14.10 and indigo. I’ve tried them all to find a working solution, so follow these step carefully and you will be able to read data from Kinect in ubuntu 14.10

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Converting a PCL pointcloud to a ROS pcl message/ ROS pcl message to PCL point cloud

The relation between ROS and PCL point cloud is a little bit complicated, at first, it was part of ROS, then it became a separate project and whole the time you need some serializer and deserializer to send and receive point cloud ROS messages. There are some old deprecated ways to do that and they

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