
pkg-config and CMake

pkg-config and CMake If the library that you want to use is not coming with Find<package>. cmake you can use pkg-config files which are stored in “.pc”. The environmental variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH is the place that should point to the “.pc” files. Type in the shell:

To get the list of all available package configs, you can […]

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How to find CMake from arbitrary installed locations

In my other tutorial, I showed you how to install your code in an arbitrary location in Unix/ Linux systems. In this tutorial, I’m gonna show you how to find them after installation. Here I have two examples: OpenCV, PCL point cloud I can assume that you have compiled and installed them using the following command:


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Installing programs into arbitrary location in Unix/ Linux systems

After you compiled and built your code, you should install it by calling sudo install to put headers and shared libraries into /usr/include/ and /usr/lib/ and configuration files into /usr/local and /usr/share usually, I don’t like to touch my system binaries and I prefer to install my compiled code into my home directory so I can safely delete them anytime. If you using

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Converting a PCL pointcloud to a ROS pcl message/ ROS pcl message to PCL point cloud

The relation between ROS and PCL point cloud is a little bit complicated, at first, it was part of ROS, then it became a separate project and whole the time you need some serializer and deserializer to send and receive point cloud ROS messages. There are some old deprecated ways to do that and they

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