
Eigenvectors of PCL pointcloud (moment of inertia)

The snippet below shows how to computer PCA eigenvectors and eigenvalues (in this case could be interpreted as the moment of inertia).


Eigenvectors of PCL pointcloud (moment of inertia) Read More »

A GUI ROS-package for cropping pcl pointcloud with dynamic reconfigure

This ROS package enables you to crop the scene from Kinect (input topic type: PCL pointcloud). You can even enable fitting a plane to remove the ground from the scene and by adjusting correct parameter you can get the desired object from the scene. code available on my Github.

A GUI ROS-package for cropping pcl pointcloud with dynamic reconfigure Read More »

List of OpenCv matrix types and mapping numbers

ref: Special thanks to this post.

List of OpenCv matrix types and mapping numbers Read More »

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) for estimating probability distribution function

There are several approaches for estimating the probability distribution function of a given data: 1)Parametric 2)Semi-parametric 3)Non-parametric A parametric one is GMM via algorithm such as expectation maximization. Here is my other post for expectation maximization. Example of Non-parametric is the histogram, where data are assigned to only one bin and depending on the number bins that fall within

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) for estimating probability distribution function Read More »

Silhouette coefficient for finding optimal number of clusters

Silhouette coefficient is another method to determine the optimal number of clusters. Here I introduced c-index earlier. The silhouette coefficient of a data measures how well data are assigned to its own cluster and how far they are from other clusters. A silhouette close to 1 means the data points are in an appropriate cluster and a silhouette

Silhouette coefficient for finding optimal number of clusters Read More »

Finding optimal number of Clusters by using Cluster validation

This module finds the optimal number of components (number of clusters) for a given dataset. In order to find the optimal number of components for, first we used k-means algorithm with a different number of clusters, starting from 1 to a fixed max number. Then we checked the cluster validity by deploying \( C-index \) algorithm and

Finding optimal number of Clusters by using Cluster validation Read More »

Finding roll, pitch yaw from 3X3 rotation matrix with Eigen


Finding roll, pitch yaw from 3X3 rotation matrix with Eigen Read More »