DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is a data clustering algorithm It is a density-based clustering algorithm because it finds a number of clusters starting from the estimated density distribution of corresponding nodes.
It starts with an arbitrary starting point that has not been visited.
This point’s epsilon-neighborhood is retrieved, and if it contains sufficiently many points, a cluster is started. Then, a new unvisited point is retrieved and processed, leading to the discovery of a further cluster or noise. DBSCAN requires two parameters: epsilon (eps) and the minimum number of points required to form a cluster (minPts). If a point is found to be part of a cluster, its epsilon-neighborhood is also part of that cluster.
I implemented the pseudo code from DBSCAN wiki page:
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DBSCAN(D, eps, MinPts) C = 0 for each unvisited point P in dataset D mark P as visited N = getNeighbors (P, eps) if sizeof(N) < MinPts mark P as NOISE else C = next cluster expandCluster(P, N, C, eps, MinPts) expandCluster(P, N, C, eps, MinPts) add P to cluster C for each point P' in N if P' is not visited mark P' as visited N' = getNeighbors(P', eps) if sizeof(N') >= MinPts N = N joined with N' if P' is not yet member of any cluster add P' to cluster C |
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import numpy as numpy import scipy as scipy from sklearn import cluster import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def set2List(NumpyArray): list = [] for item in NumpyArray: list.append(item.tolist()) return list def GenerateData(): x1=numpy.random.randn(50,2) x2x=numpy.random.randn(80,1)+12 x2y=numpy.random.randn(80,1) x2=numpy.column_stack((x2x,x2y)) x3=numpy.random.randn(100,2)+8 x4=numpy.random.randn(120,2)+15 z=numpy.concatenate((x1,x2,x3,x4)) return z def DBSCAN(Dataset, Epsilon,MinumumPoints,DistanceMethod = 'euclidean'): # Dataset is a mxn matrix, m is number of item and n is the dimension of data m,n=Dataset.shape Visited=numpy.zeros(m,'int') Type=numpy.zeros(m) # -1 noise, outlier # 0 border # 1 core ClustersList=[] Cluster=[] PointClusterNumber=numpy.zeros(m) PointClusterNumberIndex=1 PointNeighbors=[] DistanceMatrix = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(Dataset, DistanceMethod)) for i in xrange(m): if Visited[i]==0: Visited[i]=1 PointNeighbors=numpy.where(DistanceMatrix[i]<Epsilon)[0] if len(PointNeighbors)<MinumumPoints: Type[i]=-1 else: for k in xrange(len(Cluster)): Cluster.pop() Cluster.append(i) PointClusterNumber[i]=PointClusterNumberIndex PointNeighbors=set2List(PointNeighbors) ExpandClsuter(Dataset[i], PointNeighbors,Cluster,MinumumPoints,Epsilon,Visited,DistanceMatrix,PointClusterNumber,PointClusterNumberIndex ) Cluster.append(PointNeighbors[:]) ClustersList.append(Cluster[:]) PointClusterNumberIndex=PointClusterNumberIndex+1 return PointClusterNumber def ExpandClsuter(PointToExapnd, PointNeighbors,Cluster,MinumumPoints,Epsilon,Visited,DistanceMatrix,PointClusterNumber,PointClusterNumberIndex ): Neighbors=[] for i in PointNeighbors: if Visited[i]==0: Visited[i]=1 Neighbors=numpy.where(DistanceMatrix[i]<Epsilon)[0] if len(Neighbors)>=MinumumPoints: # Neighbors merge with PointNeighbors for j in Neighbors: try: PointNeighbors.index(j) except ValueError: PointNeighbors.append(j) if PointClusterNumber[i]==0: Cluster.append(i) PointClusterNumber[i]=PointClusterNumberIndex return #Generating some data with normal distribution at #(0,0) #(8,8) #(12,0) #(15,15) Data=GenerateData() #Adding some noise with uniform distribution #X between [-3,17], #Y between [-3,17] noise=scipy.rand(50,2)*20 -3 Noisy_Data=numpy.concatenate((Data,noise)) size=20 fig = plt.figure() ax1=fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) #row, column, figure number ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax1.scatter(Data[:,0],Data[:,1], alpha = 0.5 ) ax1.scatter(noise[:,0],noise[:,1],color='red' ,alpha = 0.5) ax2.scatter(noise[:,0],noise[:,1],color='red' ,alpha = 0.5) Epsilon=1 MinumumPoints=20 result =DBSCAN(Data,Epsilon,MinumumPoints) #printed numbers are cluster numbers print result #print "Noisy_Data" #print Noisy_Data.shape #print Noisy_Data for i in xrange(len(result)): ax2.scatter(Noisy_Data[i][0],Noisy_Data[i][1],color='yellow' ,alpha = 0.5) plt.show() |
Thanks for sharing this post,
is very helpful article.
This post is very nice and helpful
thank you for sharing
very good aticle
Thanks for all of the effort on this blog.